Service Agreement
We offer multiple type of service agreement that allows you to use the main features of the AlterLock device.
Free Plan
€ 0
£ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
Fr. 0
0 kr
Kč 0
0 kr
kr 0
Ft 0
0 zł
0 lei
0 yen
Monthly Plan
€ 3.99 / month
£ 3.49 / month
$ 3.99 / month
$ 4.99 / month
$ 5.99 / month
Fr. 4 / month
49 kr / month
Kč 99 / month
34 kr / month
kr 49 / month
Ft 1790 / month
19.99 zł / month
19.99 lei / month
460 yen / month
396 yen / month
Free for 7 days
Annual Plan
€ 39.95 / year
£ 34.95 / year
$ 39.95 / year
$ 49.95 / year
$ 59.95 / year
Fr. 40 / year
499 kr / year
Kč 999 / year
349 kr / year
kr 499 / year
Ft 17900 / year
199.99 zł / year
199.99 lei / year
4600 yen / year
3960 yen / year
Free for 30 days
Save 2 months
If you cannot select one of the above plans, please subscribe to the service through the app.
- Please agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before selecting a subscription plan.
- Please be aware that each plan is automatically renewed.
- You can cancel at any time.
- The free period applies only for the first time.
- If you cancel during the free period, no fee will be charged.
- Coupon codes cannot be used for in-app purchases. Please register via a web browser.